Fair pay and working conditions for you and your colleagues
The City of Copenhagen works against social dumping to ensure:
- Fair pay and working conditions
- Fair competition for every company
- More traineeships and apprenticeships
The City of Copenhagen have since 2011 countered social dumping by demanding fair pay and working conditions for every employee working on assignments for the City of Copenhagen. This also ensures fair competition for companies with proper structures, when they bid on assignments for the City of Copenhagen. From January 2017 those receiving aid and subsidies were also covered by demands through contractual requirements in the form of clauses.
Contractual requirements
The demand for fair pay and working conditions is a part of the contract with the City of Copenhagen by way of a labour clause. Additionally, some suppliers are also covered by education and employment clauses, where it is possible to educate trainees and apprentices or employ unemployed persons for an assignment.
A task force in charge of controlling the conditions
To ensure that the clauses are met, the City of Copenhagen has an internal task force against social dumping.
Among other tasks, the task force audit our suppliers and partners by conducting unannounced visits at workplaces to ensure that they have proper salary and working conditions.